The Clinical Trial Centre (CEC) performs clinical studies. CEC has dedicated facilities and updated ophthalmological equipment. Clinical patient-oriented research involves characterizing disease progression and testing new discoveries by carrying out carefully controlled research studies in patients, i. e., clinical trials. This includes testing not only new drugs, but also new methods, devices, imaging and surgical procedures as well as well-designed prospective, observational, longitudinal studies.
The Clinical Trial Centre (CEC) performs clinical trials and studies with special emphasis on
ophthalmology, focusing on patient’s wellbeing. Clinical patient-oriented research involves characterizing disease progression and testing new discoveries by carrying out controlled research studies in patients, i. e., clinical trials. This includes testing not only new drugs, but also new methods, devices, imaging and surgical procedures as well as well-designed prospective, non-interventional, longitudinal studies. Our research is focused on age-related eye diseases with special emphasis on diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.
CEC has proven expertise with relevant scientific publications in these areas and is a certified Clinical Site of Excellence by the – European Vision Institute Clinical Research Network since 2006. CEC has experienced and qualified staff and dedicated facilities to perform clinical research according to ICH GCP Guidelines and Data Protection compliant. In its daily routine, CEC uses an Electronic Medical Record integrated with the equipment’s imaging allowing a quick and easy access to the patient’s data.
Biomarkers of progression of Diabetic Retinopathy Vision Threatening Complications in Diabetic Retinopathy Progression Epidemiological characterization of AMD. Characterization of progression of AMD from intermediate to late forms of AMD Evaluation of novel treatment options for complications of Diabetic Retinopathy Validation Outcomes and testing treatments for sight threatening Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Retina: Identification of phenotypes and biomarkers of retinal disease progression Testing new methods of early diagnosis of macular edema and retinal vascular disease Characterisation of responders and non-responders to new available therapies of retinal disease Characterization of phenotypes of diabetic retinopathy Neurovascular degeneration in age-related disease Glaucoma: Evaluation of new drugs for glaucoma treatment Other: Optical Coherence Tomography in the diagnosis of neurological diseases Diagnostic correlations in imaging between brain and retina Eye fundus imaging as a predictor of systemic vascular disease Neurovascular degeneration in age-related disease
Inês Marques
Patrícia Barreto
André Coutinho
Cláudia Farinha
Conceição Lobo
Cristina Fonseca
Cristina Januário
Daniela Guelho
Filipe Mira Ferreira
Gina Maria Alves
Guilherme Castela
Inês Laíns
Inês Pereira Marques
Isabel Pires
João Figueira
João Gil
João Pedro Marques
Joana Providência Costa
José Cunha-Vaz
Luís Pires
Margarida Gonçalo
Maria Filipa Ponces
Maria Luísa Ribeiro
Maria Luz Cachulo
Rufino Silva
Filipe Martins
Catarina Eloy
Filipe Martins
Marcela Pascoal
Sandra Cristina Pardal
Ana Catarina Almeida
Ana Cláudia Rocha
Inês Pinto
Marta Lopes
Aida Cristina Vitorino
Maria do Céu Simões
Paulo Marques
Tânia Mesquita
Patrícia Barreto
Rita Ribeiro
Sandra Cristina Pardal
‣ Alcon
‣ Alimera
‣ Allergan
‣ Bausch & Lomb
‣ Bayer
‣ Chiltern
‣ Eurotrials
‣ EyeTech
‣ Farmalabor
‣ IRIS Pharma
‣ Lilly
‣ Merck Sharp & Dohme
‣ Novartis
‣ OM Pharma
‣ Pfizer
‣ Pharmaceutical Product Development
‣ Pharmacia Corporation
‣ Sanofi-Aventis
‣ Servier
‣ Théa